Year 6

Year 6 4.3.21 English Explanation Texts Part 2

A continuation of writing explanation texts part 2 of the butterfly lifecycle.

Year 6 English 3.3.21- Writing Explanation Texts

Please use the features of explanation texts and remember your purpose is to inform the reader of the amazing lifecycle of a butterfly.

Reading skills-making predicting based on details implied

Make sensible predictions based on your inference skills.

Year 6 RE 15 Stations of the Cross

What did Jesus go through on the day he died on the cross? Let us explore.

Year 6 -PHSE 1.3.21-Identities

We hope you are able to reflective on your unique identity and be proud of it!

Rev Janet talks about the resurrection

Year 6 25.2.21 -RE lesson on Lent

Year 6 English 25.2.21-reading comprehension on explanation texts

Year 6 English 24.2.21 Polish and edit your character description

Year 6 Geography Where is Brazil? Lesson 1

From this lesson, you should understand where Brazil is in the world, which countries and oceans surround it and the different regions it is comprised of.

Year 6 maths assessment on percentages 24.2.21

Please complete this assessment by yourself so I can see what you understand about percentages from our work over the past few weeks.

Year 6 22.2.21 maths lesson- percentages of amounts

Please complete this lesson for maths today on percentages of amounts

Year6 History on the 1960s 23.2.21

How has life in Britain changed in the 1960s compared to WW2 and the 1950s? Can you name some of the changes to fashion, art, music, technology, family life and the population of Britain?

Year 6 PHSE 22.2.21-Discrimination

What is discrimination? What is the equality act? How can discrimination affect a society? How should it be challenged?

Year 6 History 9.2.21 Britain in the 1950s

Learn about some of the key changes with the population, jobs, homes, fashion and toys and games.

Year 6 RE Inspirational People

What qualities does it take to ne inspirational? Who inspires you and why?

Year 6 PHSE 8.2.21 Why do we pay taxes? Part 2

Year 6 Maths fractions to decimals 4.2.21

You can watch my video today instead of doing the White Rose lesson if you wish; especially if you found some of the questions challenging.

Year 6 Opening Scene of Macbeth Shared Write

Please look at my shared write and up-level your work. Have you portrayed the eerie, ominous atmosphere of the heath using figurative language, power verbs, adverbs and adjectives?

Year 6 PSHE 1.2.21

Why do we pay taxes?